At this moment, everything is perfect, and through the course of Creation, the Bible continues to tell us that it was good. God continues to create, and He finally hits the high point, creating man in His own image.
Through this creation, and everything being good, Adam and Eve were able to stand before God and before each other naked and unashamed. But just like that, one decision sets the world on a chaotic path, heading towards destruction.
From this point, pain, sweat, toil, ache, and death enter into the world. But there is something interesting in this passage:
So the question arises here, why did God do this? Why do bad thing happen to good people? Why did God allow evil to enter into the world? Before answering the question, I want to make sure we understand the heart behind the question, in case you are ever asked this question. People usually ask this predominately in association with a devastating event. It comes in connection with the recipient being someone that we feel didn’t deserve what happened to them. We see that in the very fabric of the question, why do “bad” things happen to “good” people? We see "bad" as being whatever happened to them that we didn't feel that they deserved (abuse, neglect, death, disease, trauma, etc). We call them "good" because we see them as someone who is nice, kind, caring, compassionate, and maybe even innocent. The reality is, whenever faced with this question, there is probably not an answer at the moment that would bring relief. Even if God gave you the why behind what is happening, would it really make any difference? If God said that the reason you lost a loved one, you went through that trauma, you were abused, you were neglected, whatever happened to you, was because some time down the road it would work out for good, would that make it any better? Maybe, but I’m doubting it actually would. So we have to realize that there is a time to just be present if asked this question, and that there is no answer that will help, but rather we give them someone to hear them out, to just be there for them. But, there is still the question that is asked and people wonder why bad things happen. The simple answer, that is yet complex, is because sin is present in this world.
The result of sin is that bad things happen. From that moment in time, the earth has been trending toward destruction, awaiting that time to come.
Paul tells us that there is suffering in this life, but he also tells us that it isn't worth comparing to the eternal glory that is to be revealed, and that is what the earth groans for.
Not only does creation long for this time, but we ourselves long for it to happen to.
As a result of sin in the world, we live in a broken world, in which nature itself heads towards destruction. This is why there are tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, floods, and earthquakes. Not only do we live in a broken world, we live among broken people, who make bad decisions that sometimes harm other people. Not only are other people broken, we ourselves are broken as well. This is something we need to realize, there are no “good” people in the world, we’re ALL sinners.
The question may pop in your head, why doesn't God just wipe out all the evil in the world? That day is coming, but think about it a bit deeper. If God wiped out all the evil in the world, that would include US as well. To wipe out evil would be to send people to hell, so if He wiped us out, we go hell, But God in His mercy and grace hasn’t done so, that more may come to repentance and find salvation in Jesus. Because in that, God is glorified, and that’s His goal.
Here's my view on this, in order for God to be glorified, He has to be chosen. A robot cannot bring glory because there is not choice, it is forced to do what it is told. In the same way, love creates a choice, and God gave us the choice to choose Him. In order for there to be a choice though, there have to be two things to choose between. Therefore, we are allowed to choose between God and the world, which is sin. And that's the answer to the question, we choose sin, and our choices have consequences. But we can find hope beyond the bad things that happen, because God has given us hope. Hope that God can use bad things for good results
Hope that God’s always good, faithful, praiseworthy
Hope that through struggles, it strengthens our ministry
The events of our lives build our testimony, in which we are then able to help those who go through what we have. Hope in knowing that Jesus knows what we go through
We don’t have a God who is far off, but one who in Jesus knows what we are going through, and sends help Hope that we are not alone
Hope that this earth is not our home, we have an eternal dwelling
Jesus has gone to prepare our eternal dwelling,
Jesus will return to take us home, and there is ONE way to get there
The reality of the answer to the question is this: There was only one good person, Jesus Christ, and the worst suffering ever happened to Him, so that through that bad thing, we might experience the greatest thing, eternal life
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