January 26-February 1 TTB Devotion
Genesis 41-50, Exodus 1-9 Heart Preparation: Each morning, realize what you are reading. These are not historical accounts only. These are not ancient documents only. You are reading the story of Gods redeeming love, where He is showing how He did everything to come find you. But as you will see in this weeks reading in Job, it’s because of who He is, not because of us. Each morning, take a moment to reflect on the One True God, and ask Him to reveal Himself to you in the reading. Week’s Reading Plan:
What to Expect: In Genesis this week we see the story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers. In the end this shows our capability to forgive. While Joseph is enslaved under Pharaoh, Pharaoh has a dream, but all his wise men are unable to interpret the dream. God provides the interpretation for the dream to Joseph. This paves the way for Joseph to be put in power because of the wisdom God shows through him. Then the famine that Joseph revealed from Pharaoh’s dream comes, and Joseph’s family finds themselves in need, and go to Egypt, encountering Joseph. Joseph forgives the sin and mistreatment from his family, and reconciles with his brothers, and father. Exodus starts with Joseph pushed back down on the totem pole. Generations have passed, and a new Pharaoh is in power, and this one no longer sees Joseph’s wisdom. As you read through Exodus this week, you will see the birth of Moses and some of the miracles God does through Moses. Things to Look For
Personal Insight: The forgiveness Joesph shows stands out to me. Joseph could have punished his brothers by putting them in prison or not feeding them. He could have revealed who he was and taken revenge for the awful way they treated him. Instead, Joesph goes past mercy and repays them with grace, by giving back their money and also giving them the food they need. Similarly, we sin against God every day. He could give us what we deserve, but instead he shows us Mercy, Grace, and Forgiveness just like Joseph did for his brothers. Prayer God, thank You for Your forgiveness! I am so undeserving of it, yet You offer it freely to me. Thank You for not holding my sins against me. Thank You for making me a new creation, and allowing me to enter into a right relationship with You. God, please help me understand more and more the forgiveness that You have offered, and show in my heart where I am withholding forgiveness from others, regardless of the offense that was caused against me. Help me surrender it over to You, and forgave as You have forgiven me. I cannot do it on my own though, I need Your strength! This weeks devotion was prepared by Chris Worden. Chris helps serve in the sound-booth ministry, as well as organizing the men's fellowship breakfasts.
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